HANNAH GRACE-(ha-na)(greys)-portia--riKatOtokari--jishikamiku--naJah--hAnnAhtOot--hEroiNe--bRatt--soLdieR--Boxer--piNkaW--bRu--apHroDitE-iM -hAnnaH gRAce Mesde-a tOtallY spOiled bRatt whO oNce tHougHt evErythinG is jUzt fOr fUn,,.diFferent characterizatioN..iN sChooL- jZt a simple stuDents whO loVes tO laugh and laUgh anD lauGh.. i doNt care whAt perople gOnna say.. Im a pErsoN whO kNows the Needs oF my fEllOw stuDents.. iM noT perfecT,bUt i knOw i am a real oNe. i stiLL have impErfectioNs,bUt despite oF it, i can stiLL manage mY lifE.. tHey say im CharitabLe witH skuL woRks,. teaching them, playing with them anD oF couRse bEinG a reaL HANNAH tO them.. thOugh thEy tHoUght that,,SShh,,thiS is jZt a secrEt ha.. tHey thOuht im a bOY,,hehe,,LOLx,.nOt tO boast bUt i know im a kiNda iNtelLectually incliNed,,LOLx,,hehe,,aT the cHurCh-iM a kiNda tOugh,,hehe.. im suPer doOper FRIENDLY,, the thiNg is,, kahit di ko kilala,,gOnne smilE and smiLe,, im a FRIEND tO all..tHough ganun akoh,, im stiLL spiRituallY inCline person,,weLL-balanced.. i have mY gReatest achievemEnt,.. mY yOunG woMen Medallion.. which i tReasure so mUch.. inside oF me?? a siMple DauGhter of God.. wHo hates oVer decorative creatuRes and prefers tO bE simPle,, thOugh tHey say iTs quite DULL!! so?? i know hOw tO cOnsider everyones opinion..iM diFferEnt..wiTh mY barakada(BOILEDEGGS)- a hapi person,,i love them mUch and they lOve me too,im pRetty sure of tHat.. i kNow how to giVe what i have kahit wala na sa aken,,in diFFerenT aspects i can say,, iM a gOod and a real Friend tO them,, riGht? alsO im a cLown fOr them,,i made tHem laUgh..tHe mOst sensiBle..LoVeliFe??Im kInd oF a giRL who jUst cRy and cRy aloNe,, i doNt want anybOdy to see me..dibdiban bah?haha,.. bUt bEHind that facT,, im a serious in terms oF loVe.. tHouGh un nga sabeh niLa...(dame kUNg CruShes,,hihi)mY familY-im a loVer,i loVe mY dad and mOm despiTe oF theiR imperfectioNs,,mY sisters and mY bRothers,., they alSo BelieVe in the Fact that im a BOY..LOLx.. dad wants me take militarY cOurSe,,hehe,,coz im a bRatt,, hiS bratt..! im so simple at hOme,,weariNg lOOse shirTs anD biG shOrts(mY dads sHorts..)behinD that Drama.. a tOugh,pRettY(kunwari)hehe,PrinCess heroiNe,a writer,composer,poet,singer,gUitarist,pianist,a friEnd,a naughty,a clOwn,a GOddEss.. stiLL rOcks!!(they dO accePt me)im a poet also,, a wriTer oF my Own stoRy,a coMposer oF mY Life suCking soNgs..i wiSh tO be a:a suCcessfUL missionarY soMeday.a lawyera jOurNaliSta gOodY giRLa desigNer.aN aUthOr oF mY StoRies.a Lover.a moTheran artistanD oFcOuRse..i wanT to be the Best,,this is whO i am..i diFferEnt One,.,a diFFerent HANNAH..tHats hOw i speLl mYselF..
Mine is a different story. It isn't just a common story. Not about to End because mine is an unending Legacy. A second to none individual is still reigning. Now and Forever. I never got much out of this life, Never saw myself in someone's eyes until this day. Never had the things I really wanted, Never had the things that people flaunted Until this day with you I know this is the best thing for me, the best thing for me:]
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- happy birthday JANELLE ESPINA
- pity.. go awaY from me.
- sa mga nababaliw na.para satin to!haha!
- THE REAL THING... just try to read.
- -A Good Man is Hard to Find- wachatink?
- youre ugly too. im lovin to read this one. catch uP.
- naadik na ko!
- totaL girl Fan!
- iLl try to make mine a different one. so iLL wait.
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- He is RENZ:]] my bordX.
- untitled for now.
- chimerical scenario.
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- lumilipas ang panahon..
- sometimes i wish i could save you..
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- panindigan ang ginawanG kalokohan.
- a night to remember.pillow party.
- wag dapat ganun..
- wonderwoMan ako,!
- nang dahil sa chocomucho...
- iF this wiLL be my fate..
- there is an ought behind this song.
- A Princess without a titlE
- i dont know if this is right.
- mysa
- panu kung hindi ikaw?
- a glimpse oF happiness.
- just the feeling of loosing you.
- RecOnciliation between damseLs.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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