Mine is a different story. It isn't just a common story. Not about to End because mine is an unending Legacy. A second to none individual is still reigning. Now and Forever. I never got much out of this life, Never saw myself in someone's eyes until this day. Never had the things I really wanted, Never had the things that people flaunted Until this day with you I know this is the best thing for me, the best thing for me:]
Total Pageviews
- happy birthday JANELLE ESPINA
- pity.. go awaY from me.
- sa mga nababaliw na.para satin to!haha!
- THE REAL THING... just try to read.
- -A Good Man is Hard to Find- wachatink?
- youre ugly too. im lovin to read this one. catch uP.
- naadik na ko!
- totaL girl Fan!
- iLl try to make mine a different one. so iLL wait.
- KUng Pwede Lang saNA...
- He is RENZ:]] my bordX.
- untitled for now.
- chimerical scenario.
- FlarIng WiTh anGer.
- lumilipas ang panahon..
- sometimes i wish i could save you..
- MYeyesAREsetTOkill:D
- panindigan ang ginawanG kalokohan.
- a night to remember.pillow party.
- wag dapat ganun..
- wonderwoMan ako,!
- nang dahil sa chocomucho...
- iF this wiLL be my fate..
- there is an ought behind this song.
- A Princess without a titlE
- i dont know if this is right.
- mysa
- panu kung hindi ikaw?
- a glimpse oF happiness.
- just the feeling of loosing you.
- RecOnciliation between damseLs.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
happy birthday JANELLE ESPINA
yan sana mabasa mo iTOng pinost ko,
ingat lage kapatid.
mish na mish ko na ang bOiled eggs.
ingat kaung lahat lage..
para sa inyo to,
kaso di ko pa natapox,
malapit na,.
pag-uwe nyo,.
labas ulet tayo!]
hapi bdaY ulet.
isa kang tunay na prinsesa sa mata ng lahat.
yaan mo lahat ng naiinsecure sa kagandahan mo,.
stand out,!
pity.. go awaY from me.
i never hesitate to say exactly what i feel.yea im too blunt. and its true. im about the least sensitive here on earth.im too uptight and i think too much. what amazing freedom there would be in saying and doing exactly as you please without stopping toi analyzethe consequences or to consider another person's point of view.
what makes me hannah. is being the perfect hannah in someOne else eYes,.
im just being a real onE.
not perfect.
but trying to be One.
sa mga nababaliw na.para satin to!haha!

Carrying on with Atrocity Exhibition, here's a few thoughts on the next section:
Whereas the previous four AE stories had significant differences from each other, "Notes Towards a Mental Breakdown" has strong similarities to its predecessor, "The Atrocity Exhibition": Trabert is once again a doctor at some sort of institution, the story has numerous characters, and there's the same level of complexity on the surface of the story that characterised "Atrocity Exhibition".
Trabert's ostensible aim in this story is to free the three astronauts who died in a fire inside their capsule on the launch pad at Cape Kennedy; however, his method for achieving this, restaging Kennedy's assassination as a car crash, seems at first sight rather obscure.
Why is Trabert concerned about the dead astronauts? The first few paragraphs provide some clues. First off, their demise is referred to as a "false death", and the media commentaries are said to be "unending"; I'd read this is indicating that Trabert sees the astronauts' deaths as having a mythic (or "false") quality that arises from the way we see them as media events. But the deaths are also described as somehow dislocating our sense of reality ("a faulty union of time and space"); perhaps we can conceive of them as revealing the facade of the equally "mythic" ideas of progress and the triumph of science - ideas that the space programme was seen as representing (at least in its early days), but which are at odds with the charred bodies in the capsule of Apollo 1.
As well as the deaths of the astronauts, there are a number of other themes that weave in and out of the text, one of which is the concept of *isolation*. Whilst at the institute, Trabert designed a series of isolation tests which seem to have had drastic effects on the volunteers (although what these effects were is left largely unsaid). And Trabert wants to isolate himself from what previously constituted his life: "With deliberate caution, he waited in the empty apartment near the airport overpass, disengaging himself from the images of his wife, Catherine Austin and the patients at the Institute."
Also pertinent here is the silent, bearded young man who keeps re-appearing, and who seems to be one of the isolation volunteers. One key scene occurs during a display of films of car crashes, when Jackie Kennedy's face unexpectedly appears on the screen: "A bearded young man ... stood in the brilliant pearl light, his laminated suit bathed in the magnified image of Mrs Kennedy's mouth. As he walked towards Trabert across the broken bodies of the plastic dummies, the screen jerked into a nexus of impacting cars, a soundless concertina of speed and violence." It seems as if the young man, the isolation-test volunteer, is pointing out to Trabert the direction in which he should be going to solve the problem of the astronauts' deaths: towards Kennedy and car crashes. Of course, it's also possible to interpret the young man as another messenger from Trabert's unconscious; the silent isolation-test volunteer represents Trabert's own sense of isolation from the world around him.
Another theme that runs through the story is that of *re-birth*. As well as Trabert's intention of "resurrecting" the dead astronauts, there are two passages that are clearly symbolic of birth or re-birth. In the first, Trabert says to his wife "Kline, Coma, Xero - there was a fourth pilot on board the capsule. You've caught him in your womb" (Trabert seems to be referring here to the silent young man). And a drained swimming pool is described as being like an immense uterus, leading Dr Natahan to exclaim "What a woman! ... Perhaps Trabert would become her lover, tend her as she gave birth to the sky?" There is also a curious passage where Trabert is beside the uterus-shaped pool, playing with plaster replicas of his wife and Karen Novotny, and studying a set of photographs "to please Coma"; is this child-like behaviour indicative of a return to the womb as a prelude to his hoped for re-birth?
Much is made of a "failure of space and time" in connection with the fire that killed the astronauts, for example: "The deaths of the three astronauts in the Apollo capsule were a failure of the code that contained the operating formulae for their passage through consciousness. Many factors confirmed this faulty union of time and space - the dislocated perspectives of the apartment, [Trabert's] isolation from his own and his wife's body ...". Maybe Trabert feels that his isolation has placed him in an everlasting present (i.e. a world without meaning), and that he is trapped like (i) the astronauts, who for Trabert are "still waiting there on their contour couches", and (ii) the isolation victims, who reported seeing "eroded landscapes" - which for Ballard represent landscapes where time has "leached away" and where nothing ever happens. If so, then the resurrection of the astronauts will "re-start" time and their (and Trabert's) passage through consciousness. Trabert sees the dislocation of the "myth of the space race" as a counterpart to the dislocation of the myths that make up his own day-to-day life. So by finding a solution to the former, he presumably hopes to find a solution to the latter - and Trabert will be resurrected along with the astronauts.
And if Kennedy was killed in an automobile, then his death as part of a car crash will *make more sense*; so by re-enacting it as such, Trabert can give a meaning to Kennedy's death and thereby place it "back in time', and hence by analogy free the astronauts from the stasis into which they have fallen. At the end of the story, this enactment appears to have been a success: "[Trabert] saw the assuaged time of the astronauts, the serene face of the President's widow", and the astronauts are free to diffuse and be recreated "in the leg stances of a hundred starlets, in a thousand bent auto fenders, in the million instalment deaths of the serial magazines."
THE REAL THING... just try to read.

The Real Thing is the first new work of fiction from Doris Lessing since her highly acclaimed novel, The Fifth Child. The stories and sketches in this collection penetrate to the hear of human experience with the passion and intelligence readers have come to expect of Doris Lessing. Most of the pieces are set in contemporary London, a city the author loves for its variety, its populations from everywhere in the world, its transitoriness, the way it connects the life of animals and birds in the parks to streets so old they have forgotten they ever had anything to do with nature.
In "Among the Roses," a near chance meeting in Regent's Park allows a difficult reconciliation of mother and daughter, while in "Sparrows," and older couple argues over their daughter's independence at a cafe table in Hampstead Heath, inspired by a fledgling making its first forays for crumbs. Another sketch takes us into a tower block of flats where a social worker observes a miracle when he confronts a loving Indian mother determined to protect her youngest daughter.
Lessing's fiction often explores the darker corners of relationships between women and men, illuminating the courage and resilience of women in particular. in "The Pit," an independent-minded older woman is surprised by a visit from her former husband that sets off a flow of memory and fantasy, disturbs her hard-won equilibrium, and finally causes her to flee to Scandinavia on holiday. "Debbie and Julie" is a brilliant and compassionate depiction of a pregnant girl alone. And "The Real Thing," the rich and emotionally complex title story of the collection, uncovers a more parlous reality behind the facade of the most conventional relationships between the sexes.
hope you learn some.
i got it!
-A Good Man is Hard to Find- wachatink?
Flannery O'Connor's short story "A Good Man Is Hard to Find" first appeared in the author's short story collection by the same name, which was published in 1955. Since then, it has become one of O'Connor's most highly regarded works of short fiction because it exhibits all the characteristics for which she is best known: a contrast of violent action with humorously and carefully drawn characters and a philosophy that underscores her devout Roman Catholic faith. Critics have admired the prose and the way O'Connor infuses the story with her Catholic belief about the role God's grace plays in the lives of ordinary people. The story is disturbing and humorous at the same time—a quality shared by many of O'Connor's other works, including her novels Wise Blood and The Violent Bear It Away.
Though the story begins innocently enough, O'Connor introduces the character of the Misfit, an escaped murderer who kills the entire family at the end of the story. Through this character, O'Connor explores the Christian concept of "grace"—that a divine pardon from God is available simply for the asking. In the story, it is the Grandmother—a petty, cantankerous, and overbearing individual—who attains grace at the moment of her death, when she reaches out to the Misfit and recognizes him as one of her own children. For O'Connor, God's grace is a force outside the character, something undeserved, an insight or moment of epiphany. Often, however, O'Connor's characters miss moments of opportunity to make some connection; their spiritual blindness keeps them from seeing truth.
"A Good Man Is Hard to Find'' is the title story of O'Connor's first short story collection, and, therefore, often serves as an introduction to the rest of her fiction. The story is enjoyable for its humorous portrayal of a family embarking on a vacation; O'Connor has been unforgiving in her portrayal of these characters—they are not likable. However, in creating characters that elicit little sympathy from readers, O'Connor has carefully set the premise for her main argument: that grace is for everyone, even those who seem loathesome.
O'Connor's story is told by a third-person narrator, but the focus is on the Grandmother's perspective of events. Even though she complains that she would rather go to Tennessee than Florida for vacation, she packs herself (and secretly her cat, Pitty Sing) in the car with her son Bailey, his wife, and their children June Star, John Wesley, and the baby. In a comical instance of foreshadowing, she takes pains to dress properly in a dress and hat, so that if she were found dead on the highway everyone would recognize her as a lady.
When the family stops for lunch at Red Sammy Butts'...
i agREE!haha..
tell your too.
wHat do you think?
do you feel the same thing?
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
youre ugly too. im lovin to read this one. catch uP.
"You're Ugly, Too" by Lorrie Moore was first published in the New Yorker in 1989 and was subsequently included in Moore's second collection, Like Life, and in several anthologies, including the The Best American Short Stories, 1989, the 1997 anthology, The Penguin Book of International Women's Stories and The Best American Short Stories of the Century, edited by John Updike. "You're Ugly, Too" wasMoore's first story to find a home in the New Yorker, the magazine considered by many to be the pre-eminent publication for new fiction.
According to Don Lee, writing in Ploughshares, the story also had the distinction of causing a bit of a stir in the magazine's editorial offices. With the "turgidity" of long-time editor William Shaw still gripping the venerable "institution," New Yorker editors pointed out toMoore several "vulgarities" of the writing process she had committed in the story. "All through the editing process, they said, 'Oooh, we're breaking so many rules with this,"' Lee quotesMoore as saying.
Acclaimed for the cutting sarcasm and wit that Moore has come to be known for, "You're Ugly, Too" tells the story of Zoƫ Hendricks, an unmarried history professor who lives alone in the small Midwestern town of Paris, Illinois, and teaches in the local liberal arts college; the story examines her relationships with men, her students, her sister and, in general, her life. With a sparse plot,Moore's story relies on Hendricks's character and the running gags and jokes she relentlessly throws at anyone within listening distance to sustain it.
While one of the major themes that "You're Ugly, Too" addresses is obviously sexual relationships (throughout much of the story, Hendricks's relationships to men are somehow addressed, either through anecdotes, her biting commentary, or in the story's final scenes at a Halloween party where Hendricks is engaged in a long conversation with a recent divorcƩ), issues of loneliness, alienation and mortality play a prominent role in the development of Hendricks's character.
the story runs like this..
"You're Ugly, Too" is a much more character-driven story than it is a plot-driven one. With a sparse plot, but layered with anecdotes and flashbacks that reveal the main character to be cynical and dismissive in her relationships with nearly everyone in her life, especially men, the story offers a glimpse into the thoughts and daily life of an unmarried Midwestern history professor who flies to Manhattan to spend Halloween weekend with her younger sister.
Although narrated in the third person, "You're Ugly, Too" is told from the point of view of Zoƫ Hendricks who, when the story opens, has been teaching atMidwest colleges for four years. Her first teaching stint was in New Geneva, Minnesota, or "Land of the Dying Shopping Mall" where "[e]veryone was so blond . . . that brunettes were often presumed.....
Section 1 Summary
Zoe Hendricks is a history professor at Hillsdale-Versailles, a small, liberal arts college in the heart of rural Illinois. The opening paragraph mocks the very setting of the college, noting the odd of names of farm towns in Illinois, such as Oblong, Paris and Normal. Even the mentality of the townspeople are mocked by Zoe's comment that when a big story like the two-hundred-point drop in the New York Stock Exchange occurred, the headline of the local newspaper blurted, "Normal Man Marries Oblong Woman."
Zoe is teaching at this institution, because a previous sex-discrimination lawsuit had been filed against the university, and the placement of a female history professor erased the lawsuit's accusations. The male faculty members there enjoy having a female in the ranks, even though they notice Zoe's eccentricities, like singing in.....
Section 2 Summary
After throwing up into an airline bag while on the flight to New York, Zoe is reunited with her sister at her apartment. She hugs her sister hard, realizing that when they were younger, she took care of Evan. Now Evan has taken on the role of advisor and counselor. Evan's apartment belongs to her boyfriend, Charlie, and is large and well-situated with a balcony and a doorman, far above Zoe's means. Evan admits to Zoe that her relationship with Charlie is mundane, almost sexless. While Zoe thinks that she feels like a bird being situated on the twenty-first floor, Evan continues to complain that Charlie is messy and lazy and uninvolved. When Zoe comments that they might as well get married, Evan admits that they are going to, asking Zoe to be.....
naadik na ko!

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totaL girl Fan!

-Total Girl is the first and only lifestyle magazine for tween girls. It is always fun, positive, inspiring and informative. It encourages readers to try new things, be more confident and comfortable with who they are. It is aspirational, like a cool, approachable big sister who knows everything, understands what they’re going through, gives them the freedom to make choices and be who they are and the best they can be.
Total Girls answers the five needs of the tween girl:
Need for community
Need to be cool
Need to be confident
Need for guidance
Need to have fun
say yES!
iLl try to make mine a different one. so iLL wait.
I close my eyes and the flashback starts:
I'm standing there on a balcony in summer air.
See the lights, see the party, the ball gowns.
See you make your way through the crowd
and say hello;
Little did I know
That you were Romeo; you were throwing pebbles,
And my daddy said, "Stay away from Juliet."
And I was crying on the staircase,
begging you, 'Please, don't go.'
And I said,
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'
So I sneak out to the garden to see you.
We keep quiet 'cause we're dead if they knew.
So close your eyes; escape this town for a little while.
'Cause you were Romeo, I was a scarlet letter,
And my daddy said "Stay away from Juliet,"
But you were everything to me; I was begging you, 'Please, don't go,'
And I said,
"Romeo, take me somewhere we can be alone.
I'll be waiting; all there's left to do is run.
You'll be the prince and I'll be the princess
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'
Romeo save me; they're tryin' to tell me how to feel.
This love is difficult, but it's real.
Don't be afraid; we'll make it out of this mess.
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'
I got tired of waiting,
Wondering if you were ever comin' around.
My faith in you was fading
When I met you on the outskirts of town.
And I said,
"Romeo save me - I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting for you but you never come.
Is this in my head? I don't know what to think-"
He knelt to the ground and pulled out a ring and said,
"Marry me, Juliet. you'll never have to be alone.
I love you and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress;
It's a love story - baby just say 'Yes.'
Oh, oh.
We were both young when I first saw you...
nakarelate ako dito.
im waiting for my own romeo.
my own prince.
im waiting till the right time comes.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
KUng Pwede Lang saNA...
It doesn't matter what I do
It doesn't matter what they say
Cause everything I see around me
Reminds me of the day you went away
If I tell my friends that I'm alright
It doesn't mean that I don't cry late at night
I know that at the end of every tunnel
There's a ray of hope, a guiding light
But, baby, for tonight I think I'll
Die just a little
Cry some more
Trying to remember how it was before
Let me die just a little
I'll be fine
Soon as I can get you off my mind
Soon as I can get you off my mind
It's been more than just a while
But I don't seem to feel the need to smile
What's the point when the only thing that matters to me just walks away?
How can you just walk away?
Give me one more day I need to
I'm not sure how this will go
But loving you is all I know
Maybe there's a chance to find a way to love again
Maybe until then (2x)
(Soon as I can get you off my mind)
Soon as I can get you off my mind (2x)
even just for a whilE,
para makalimuatan ko din muna ung pain you brought since you left me bRoken.
i am a loner now.
thatz why im askinG for peace.
so hope,.
i can die.
just a little.
then ill continue fighting when the time comes that i know that why im fighting for is worthfighting for...
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
untitled for now.

keep thinking for my past.
keep thinking for my past.
keep thinking for my past.
keep thinking for my past.
keep thinking for my past.
keep thinking for my past.
keep thinking for my past.
keep thinking for my past.
keep thinking for my past.
keep thinking for my past.
keep thinking for my past.
keep thinking for my past.
keep thinking for my past.
keep thinking for my past.
FlarIng WiTh anGer.

try to put a liGht On,
sabi nga ng kanta ni David.
ang hirap.,
pinipiliT kong gawiNg masaya ang araw Ko..
im missing my brkada aLready.
oH my gOsh.
im having gOosebUmps whenever iM rememBeriNg her.,
i hate her oFcouRse,
shes being too uPtigHt,
as iF she can bEat me,
oH mY,
doNt seLL youRselF tOo shoRt,.
no sUch lUck.
better stop brOadcastiNg that you are really a princess,
coZ definiteLy youre nOt.
bago pa ko suMaboG dito,,
juSt hatin haters LIKE YOU!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
lumilipas ang panahon..

madameng may alam sa kantang to,.
infact madame ang nakakarelate.
im really wonderin why madameng trials sa buhay koh.,
well infact,ako na lng yata lage ung natatamaan ni kupido.
pero ako ung nasasaktan.,
have you notice too?
im hating myself for being so depress.
im hating and paying pity for my ownself.
oh my goSh,
kung kailan wala na xa,thats the time i realized that i need him,
i want him back,
i still love him.
but i dont know if he feels the same thing too.
he let me realized that i am a princxess.
he taught me many lessons.
but in the now.
he is gOne.
he try to find agen sOmeone huM hell teach agen.
but anyways.
im still happy.
happy for him,.
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A. I understand that I am applying as a candidate to the 2009 Pageant and that age, residency, and citizenship limits vary subject to the requirements of the different international pageants and, accordingly, that my qualifications are further subject thereto.
B. I understand that I have to pass the screening and meet all the requirements of BPCI and the qualifications of the different international pageants before I can qualify as a candidate to the 2009 Pageant. I further understand that the basic requirements relate to information from me as contained in this Application Form.
C. In considering my application to be a candidate to the 2009 National Pageant, I also understand that personal achievement, intelligence, beauty, physical fitness, personal style and charisma, among other criteria, shall also be considered. I agree that all issues as to my eligibility as an applicant shall be determined solely by BPCI and that I shall abide by its determination, which shall be final and non-appealable.
D. In filling out and signing this Application Form, I further understand that BPCI is under no obligation to accept me as a candidate. My acceptance as official candidate shall commence only when I am formally and specifically notified thereof.
E. If I am chosen as official candidate, this Application Form shall be considered part and parcel of the Official Entry Form/Contract which I shall be required to sign.
F. I understand that in signing this Application Form, I have accepted the sole discretion of BPCI to accept or reject me as a candidate to the 2009 Pageant and that the decision of BPCI on this application is final and non-appealable.
G. I finally certify that I have read this Application Form carefully, that I have understood the same, and that no promises or representations were made to me to induce me to sign this Application Form.
HANNAH Grace Mesde
JANUARY 19,2008
sometimes i wish i could save you..
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
panindigan ang ginawanG kalokohan.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
a night to remember.pillow party.

we are all happy na makaattend sa activity na to.
madame kameng lesson na natutunan,
at higit sa lahat madameng halakhak at ngiti sa bawat isa.
ibat ibang scenario na nagbigay kasiyahan sa bawat isa.
mahal naming ang bawat isa.
kame na mga young women ng villasis branch ay patuloy na magiging matatag.
mahal namin si Heavenly Father at Jesus Christ kaya susundin namin sya.
masaya ang bawat isa sa amin sa pagmamahal nya sa amin.
at ngayong gabi na tila ayaw nang wakasan ng bawat isa madame kameng natutunan.
madame kameng naging kasiyahan.
ang mga palaro na unahan,
ang pagplug ng mga shows namin.
at syempre ang kaingayan ko.
sigawan todo to the max pro hindi mapapantayan iyon ng kahit na anuh.
dahil hanggang sa wakas magiging steady and true kami!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
wag dapat ganun..
oha oha..
mahirap din naman pag ikaw ung nasa gitna ng sitwasyOn,
maawa ka naman sa akin,
pero inFairness..
ang galing ng dRama mo.
madame pa akong isusulaT eh,,
wonderwoMan ako,!
This is my story
It’s true
OK, listen..
Oh baby…words that wanted to say to you
The words that made me sad in my heart
Even though we fell in love very much
But cannot overcome that reason
Like a fool cannot send any words
Give me one more chance
I don’t know
Did your heart changed?
Is not too late right?
Prayed but you turned away coldly
This song is a true love story
My story that I risked everything on
But it’s the end, everything is over now
This is my past love
I love you, I still love you
Oh….is possible to forget loved you
The love that’s in my memory
You left me and all the promises you made with me is nothing
You smiled while telling my story
My heartache like I’m dying, oh no…
If only one time, only to be with you
My heart may not rest
Wish you is my everything
This song is a true love story
My story that I risked everything on
But it’s the end, everything is over now
This is my past love
I love you, I still love you
The real sound from my heart
If I give all my guarantees
Will forever waiting for you to come back to me
I love you, I still love you
I also forget fist
My heart is breaking
Therefore very painful but should break
The hate and all the innermost feeling of you
But still recalling
The man that can give you hug appeared right?
Now everything can be settle without you
Now listen to this song
This song is to your love story
Give it all my sentiment
Not regretting
I forget you now
This is my past love
I love you, I still love you
Listen to your voice for the last time
All my shout
If you heard it please come back to me again
Love you forever
I love you, only love you
Baby, please come back to me
Miss you baby
nacatch lanG ung attention ko,.
well anyways,,
im missing him..
hindi ko din alam kUng sino.
ang guLo nU?
bahala na!
nang dahil sa chocomucho...
nG dahiL sa chocomucHo....
anu bang meron sa simpleng chocomuchO?
para sa ibah isang simpleng tsokolateng nakakatawid gutom. oh dbah.. para sa mga bata.. isang tsokolate na pinagaagawan nila. oh sa isang simpleng babae na binigay ng boyfriend nya o ng kaibigan nyah.. simple lang naman ang chocomuchOng ito, pro para sa aming mga youth ng Villasis Branch, may naging kahulugan sa amin ang chocomucho na ito. pagkatapos ng celebration namin ng young women new beginning we are all gathered for the refreshment. syempre kainan moments ito. but then, there were boxes of chocomucho na nakita ng lahaT. dahiL na din cguro madame pa naman ang busog dahil katatapos lang din namin kumain in celebration oF eLaine's 12th bDay hindi na pumasok sa mga isipan namin ang mga box ng chocomuchong iyon. in otherwords hindi pa dinistribute. at ang sabi ng aming pinakamamahal na leader na si ate Mel, those chocomuchos will be distributed tomorrow. sa ibang salita sa sunday nalang. hehe.. at ang mga requirements to avail that chocomucho ai.. tennneteennnn..dapat hindi malate sa sunday. para sa ibang mambabasa ng sulat na ito.. wala lang iyon pero para sa aking na nagsulat nito ay., un ang naging motivation sa amin, oh dbah, well anywaYs.. pag dating na sunday,... excited ang lahat hindi naman cguro dahil sa chocomucho kundi dahil titignan namin kung sino ang nalate?
lahat kame ang bukang bibig ay.. CHOCOMUCHO! haha.. syempre. merong mga funny moments nang dahil sa chocomucho na yun, una. biglang napatakbo si ruby sa labas para maghanap ng scripture dahil hindi daw bibigyan ang walang scripture,, dun din nagpakaaya ang lahat dahil habang naglelesson ay may chocomuchong kinakain, oh diba! at syempre natest din ang free agency namin sda pagpili ng Flavor, is it choco oR milK? well dahiL may free agency pwedeng dalawa ang kunin? haha.. patay.. well anyways .. masaya at naging blessed kame sa araw ng sunday na iyo. hindi naman dahil sa chocomucho kundi dahil sa lesson na meron sa chocomuchong iyon.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
iF this wiLL be my fate..
Now you are my beloved ghost
And here I’ll wait for you to sing
Then, we will have eternity
A Promise to keep haunting me
This wine (this wine)
From my veins (from my veins)
These gifts (these gifts)
We’ll take (we’ll take)
The sky is ours to keep tonight
Together in this silent sleep
We are the mist that fills the air
Lie still, just be with me
This wine (this wine)
From my veins (from my veins)
These gifts (these gifts)
We'll take (we’ll take)
And I'll be
The kiss
The gun
We'll be draining their blood again
Embrace the rest of me
We’ll be racing through the night
Again, embrace the rest of me
Then we'll feast on them, celebrating
I'm not alone
I can feel your eyes on me
I'm not alone
Your soul for all the world to see
Denied another day
Life took you away
I’ll love you just the same
’Cause you are my beloved ghost
And here I'll wait for you to sing (Wait for you to sing)
Then we will have eternity
A promise to keep haunting me
The sky is ours to keep tonight
Together in this silent sleep
We are the mist that fills the air
Lie still, just be with me
I'm not alone
I can feel your eyes on me
I'm not alone
Your soul for all the world to see, to see
im missing my high school days.,.
however, madameng ayuko ng balikan,,
ung mga teachers na lageng nagbabagsak saken,
at ang mga teachers na lageng nagagaLit dahil paxawai akoh.
pero miss ko na si Teacher MILA.
sa araw araw ba naman na pinapalabas nyah ko eh,,
oh dbah!
there is an ought behind this song.
This world that I found is too good to be true
Standing here beside you, want so much to give you
This love in my heart that I'm feeling for you
Let 'em say we're crazy, don't care 'bout that
Put your hand in my hand baby, don't ever look back
Let the world around us just fall apart
Baby, we can make it if we're heart to heart
And we can build this dream together, standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers, we'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us now
Woh woh oh
I'm so glad I found you, I'm not gonna lose you
Whatever it takes, I will stay here with you
Take it to the good times, see it through the bad times
Whatever it takes is what I'm gonna do
Let 'em say we're crazy, what do they know
Put your arms around me baby, don't ever let go
Let the world around us just fall apart
Baby, we can make it if we're heart to heart
And we can build this dream together, standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers, we'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us
Ooh, all that I need is you
All that I ever need
And all that I want to do
Is hold you forever, forever and ever
And we can build this dream together, standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers, we'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us
Woh oh oh-oh-oh
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us now
Hey baby
And we can build this dream together, standing strong forever
Nothing's gonna stop us now
And if this world runs out of lovers, we'll still have each other
Nothing's gonna stop us, nothing's gonna stop us now
the promise we made before always reminds me of failing,,
im hating this song since this is the song that we made oUr promises.
sooner and someday,,
the right persOn wuD sing this song for me.
A Princess without a titlE

this is the other part oF me.
soon to be pUblished din,.,
tinatapox ko palang,,
eto yung HANNAH na Failure ung mga ginagawa nyah.,.
the other side oF a real hannah..
sana magustuhan nyo tong nOvel ko na to..
it is because,, ang alam nyoh sakEn is,.,
walang problema.
well,dito marereveal ung mga bagay bagay na hindi nyo alam bout HANNAH,.
miz kuh na xa!
malapit na!
i dont know if this is right.
and i dOnt think na tama pa tO..
hiNdi nga lahat ng nagpapasaya sayuh,.tama..
as time passes by,,
our prefernces Change.
hai nakuh,,
wat am i going to do..
akala ko kasi mababawi ko pa xa,,
maybe kaya koh pa xang bawiin,,
pero madameng masasaktan dbah?
eh si JAred?
wala namang mangyayre dun eh,,
paiiyakin lang din ako nun,,
anu gagawen ko?
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Busy streets, Busy market, busy people. Christmas is getting nearer and nearer. As the world celebrates Christmas Day,today, December 23, commemorating prophet Joseph Smith birth and also helding the MYSA at
This is it.
This is it.
This is it.
It all started sa film viewing habang naghihintay ang
mga partisipantes.hehe.simula palang marami na ang nageenjoy, we all sae it from their gestures.Ang show na prinesent ng ibang stake,. At syempre dahil doon nagkaroon ng idea ang lahat nang “eh kung mag artista kaya akoh” pwes may future ka. Hehe. Its getting late that’s why President Capitulo already took the micropone and started the program. It all started with ofcourse opening exercises. And then Pres. Villanueva did his part as the speaker of the devotional,mission president. We are all inspired to hear his inspiring message to all the participant with the help of her loving wife,sister Villanueva. But before that S.A of Solano district shared their talent in singing, then, talagang parang MOTAB. Hehe. Well anyway, just to feed us spiritually dbah, para masaya,. President really made us happy. After his lesson
President Capitulo presided the Fireside. The fireside via satellite. We learned a lot from it, infact we got lots of thing to ponder and to apply in our
lives. At xempre madaming happy moments ang lahat. May natutulog in behalf of kua jeff. Haha. Nakuhanan pa un ng camera ha. Isali na din natin ang mga nakapikit at nakikinig din naman.hehe. at syemre un na daw ang panahon para tabihan nyo ang mga crush nyo. Oh dbah? Talagang everloving si president Capitulo nu? Syempre hindi na
makakatanggi ang biktima. May order na un eh haha,, nakapublish nayun sa Philippine Constitution,hehe, well, anyways, madame talaga ang nagpasaya sa lahat. At syempre ang talagang nagging exciting ang games.
Naging masaya talaga ang lahat. Brainstorming at epistaxis. Unahin na natin ang scripture mastery game hosted by Sis. Languban. The group was divided into three groups. Syempre hindi naman otiose ang naging game na to,infact madameng naging lessons sa aming lahat. Unahan sa microphone, mga patumbling-tumbling tekniks pa ni bro na taga
ang pinakakahintay ng lahat lalo na ni Hans. Well pagbigyan aalis naman na sya eh,, sa wakas!! Un ang sagot ng lahat(joke lang hans)haha. Hosted by sister nakaviolet ng