I dont know why things happened to be so screwed:) haha.Things are so weird. Last Monday night, the other week, i dremt of a missionary (he was not assigned in our ward) he said to me "When i got home, im going to marry you". I dont know him, i dont even know his name, and i cant remember his face. One thing for sure, i havent met him yet. He was like 5'11, figure like a new zealander. I dont know. hahaha:) Last week was one of the crummiest week ever. loads of paperworks, tutorials and preparation for midterm exams. And the socials had just happened last thursday. It was cool, happy, but not that super great night. Haggard because of sleepless nights. :))
Honestly, i do missed all the people who made my highschool life definitely perfect:)
Last August 21, primary educational tour. a simple scene had captured my compassionate care for kids. There was this child (looks like 6-8 years old), he's walking along the streets and he's selling icecream on sticks. My heart aches for that scenario that he's suppose to be at their home, having some rest, or playing with his buds but there he was. I just cant imagine that, that young boy was spending his saturday on selling ice creams just to earn money. Ironically, the world or our government seemed to have and advocates 'Child's Rights', but how about him. As young as his age he knows how to work hard. Guilty rises through my veins that i don't even appreciate what i have now, i spend a lot of money on non-sense things, i dont work hard to get things that i wanted. But this young boy, he almost have all the difficulties which he was not supposed to have at his age. What he supposes to do is to be in school, write on his paper, listen to his teacher, play with his classmates. But there he was, loosing his voice just to have profit on selling, he never count his walk and never told himself "I'm Tired", instead he keep on shouting "icecream" on the streets. Where's his family? Why do he need to do that? There are unanswered questions but my heart cries because of his industriousness and endurance on life. A lesson learned for me, that i have to appreciate even the very little things that i have because not all people have the privilege to have it. I am more fortunate than them so i must be grateful. I was not able to caught him on cam, because the bus was so fast. but his picture carrying a box on his back full of icecream sticks and walking on the side of the street will always be present in my mind.

Mine is a different story. It isn't just a common story. Not about to End because mine is an unending Legacy. A second to none individual is still reigning. Now and Forever. I never got much out of this life, Never saw myself in someone's eyes until this day. Never had the things I really wanted, Never had the things that people flaunted Until this day with you I know this is the best thing for me, the best thing for me:]
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